Thursday, July 31, 2008

Skeleton Key and the Journey

This weeks parashah details the 42 'journeys' made by the Jews throughout their 40 years in the Wilderness. The Baal Shem Tov makes this parashah immediately relevant by informing us that each of our lives contains 42 parallel journeys. Beginning with birth (when the amniotic waters 'split' and the fetus is liberated from the womb/Egypt) to the end of our lives when we enter the 'holy land'. It's brought down in Likutei Torah (from the Ba'al HaTanya) how the 42 journeys parallel the 42 words of the Shma from VeAhavta to U'vyshaarecha. On a similar theme, the Ohev Yisroel (one of the principle students of Reb Elimelech of Lijzensk and great grandfather to Heshel) draws a parallel between the 6 + 42 cities of refuge and first 6 words of the Shma and the following 42 words of the VeAhavta. I was thinking that the skeleton key (or refuge) that opens the lock to all of our various journeys through life could be the simple attachment to the concepts of G-d's oneness (represented in the first six words of the Shma) and the influence it has on our actions (represented by the next 42 words).

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