Sunday, June 29, 2008

Korach and The Kookie Jar

This weeks parshah starts out, "And Korach took...". What Korach took is not very clear. Sure, many Torah commentaries give their insights. The last Lubavitcher Rebbe, asks how we can name an entire parshah after a person like Korach. Don't we learn from a verse in Mishlei-Proverbs that we should not name a child after an evil person? Ah, there was something positive in Korach. He had a desire to experience the closeness that the High Priest experiences. He was willing to even give up his lifefor this 'high'. For we see that even after he knew that he would be killed when he tried to offer the incense, he still went through with it. This misplaced mesirus nefesh can be 'taken' back. Reb Aharon of Karlin would tell his disciples to concentrate on the firepans of Korach when recited the blessing over the candle during havdalah. As we take leave of Shabbos and enter the week, we should approach our lives with the mesiras nefesh that Korach took for himself.

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